Selecting, moving and resizing a layer

Select a layer to change its properties in the Property inspector. See Layer properties for a complete list of options.

To select a layer, choose from the following options:

Click the layer marker in the Document window that represents the layer's location in the HTML code.
Click a layer's selection handle.
Shift-Ctrl-click (Windows) or Shift-Command-click (Macintosh) within the layer.
Click the name of the layer in the Layer inspector.

Clicking inside a layer places the cursor in the layer, but does not select the layer itself.

To resize a layer choose from the following options:

To resize by dragging, select the layer and drag any of the corner handles or borders.
To resize from the keyboard, select the layer and press Control-arrow (Windows) or Option-arrow (Macintosh). Press Shift-Control-arrow (Windows) or Shift-Option-arrow (Macintosh) to resize by the current grid increment.

Resizing a layer changes the width and height of the layer. It does not define a clipping region. (You define a clipping region in Layer properties; see Layer properties.) Unless you change the Overflow setting in the Property inspector, layers expand to show all of their content.

To move a layer choose from the following options:

To move a layer by dragging, select the layer and drag the selection handle.
To move a layer from the keyboard 1 pixel at a time, select the layer and use the arrow keys. Shift-arrow moves by the current grid increment.